Application settings

Here you can adjust language, theme, background and other settings, as well as some download or deployment settings.

If the system language cannot be matched, English (United States) is used by default.


To save the changes, turn on the Save Settings, otherwise all settings will be lost after restarting Office Tool Plus.

Appearance & behavior


By default, Office Tool Plus automatically switches between light theme (Light Blue) and dark theme (Dark White) based on Windows settings. You can also manually select your favorite theme.


By default, Office Tool Plus uses Bing wallpaper as background image. You can adjust it to other backgrounds according to your preference, or use local images as background image, supporting PNG, JPG and BMP.

If you want to set a web image as the background image, please use /setimage command.


The Mica effect is only available on Windows 11. When you use the Acrylic, Blur, or Mica effects, the title bar automatically changes to the Windows 11 style.

There may be a delay in dragging windows when using the Acrylic effect on Windows 10.


Hardware acceleration


但如果您在使用 Office Tool Plus 的过程中遇到了窗口变全透明、加载图片时内存溢出等问题,你可以通过关闭硬件加速来缓解这些问题。



Office languages display format

By default, Office Tool Plus displays Office languages in native name.

  • Native: display the local name of the languages, for example Deutsch for German.
  • English: all language names display in English.
  • Localized: all language names display in your OS language.

The native name, English name, and localized name are data provided by Windows. Different versions of Windows may display different results.

Display internal products and channels

By default, Office Tool Plus does not display non-public products and update channels, such as products like ProPlusVolume or MondoVolume, or update channels like Dofgood::DevMain.

Internal products and update channels are not supported by Office Deployment Tool, so you can't use them directly. However, if you need, you can turn on this switch and Office Tool Plus will display these internal products and update channels.


If you don't know about the internal products and update channels, DO NOT USE them.


Verify files

当您打开此开关后,Office Tool Plus 将会在下载 Office 安装文件后对文件进行校验,校验可以检查出版本不匹配,文件损坏等问题。

如果在文件损坏的情况下继续部署 Office,可能会遇到安装进度卡住不动的问题,因此我们强烈建议您在部署之前校验 Office 安装文件是否存在问题。


Office 安装文件校验功能对在线部署时不起作用,仅可用于下载模式或在下载后再部署已启用的情况下。

Connect using HTTPS

默认情况下,Office Tool Plus 使用 HTTP 请求下载 Office 安装文件。

如果您下载 Office 安装文件时进度缓慢或者出现了意料之外的错误,您可以尝试打开此开关,然后重试下载。


Differences between engines:

Enginex86x64 & ARM64ProgressProxyPause & continueCancellation
Office Tool Plus××
Office Deployment Tool××××


When using bezzad.Downloader as download engine, it is not recommended to set the number of chunks too high if files are downloading to a hard disk drive (HDD), too many chunks downloading at the same time will reduce the write speeds.

Windows version

By default, Office Tool Plus automatically detected OS version and downloads the corresponding Office version. To download Office installation files for other systems, change to the corresponding Windows version here.